Post by Snivy on May 27, 2011 23:49:46 GMT 7
Hey, mostly some of you know this game, this is an epic game in ps2, gamecube and xbox.. TEH epic, there are 3 times of game and Timesplitters 4 is being delayed, unfortnately
this isfor Timesplitters future perfect. (the 3rd game)
here is the trailer.
here is the gameplay.
Timesplitters 2
Timesplitters (first game)
yeah i know they are old
Modes: Story, Deathmatch, Team deathmatch, BagTag, Capture the Bag, Vampire, Virus, Flame tag, Gladator, Zones, Monkey assasiant, Elimation, Assault.
Story mode : Story mode is where you make a campagne or mission like
Deathmatch mode: you all know what deathmatch and team deathmatch is..
BagTag: who ever holds the bag for the longest wins
Capture the bag: go to the enemy base and collect the bag and return to your bag, before they capture your bag, it is basically capture the flag.
Elimation: People start with lives and the last surviving person wins.
Vampire: same thing as Elimation except if you don't kill anyone too long, you will run out of blood and die.
Flame tag: this is for Timesplitters 2, it basically like tag except whoever is it is on fire.
Virus: One of the computers starts off as the virus (this is chosen randomly). You can tell they are the virus because they are engulfed in a green flame. Their job is to pass the virus to other players (once somebody been infected, they will help the main virus infect other players). The last person in the game who hasn't been infected is the winner.
Gladiator: only gladiator get points for killing people, inorder to become the gladiator you must kill the current gladiator.
Zones: quickly go to a zone and guard it from the enemy, who ever get the most zones get the scores till time runs out.
Monkey Assistant: if your losing, Monkeys will help! if your winning monkeys will take you dooown!
Assault: There are two teams, attackers and defenders, they both start in different bases, usually opposite side of the map. They are usually given a set of objectives to complete, normally three, the attackers job to complete these objectives and the defenders job is to make sure the attackers don't complete the objectives within the time limit.
this isfor Timesplitters future perfect. (the 3rd game)
here is the trailer.
here is the gameplay.
Timesplitters 2
Timesplitters (first game)
yeah i know they are old
Modes: Story, Deathmatch, Team deathmatch, BagTag, Capture the Bag, Vampire, Virus, Flame tag, Gladator, Zones, Monkey assasiant, Elimation, Assault.
Story mode : Story mode is where you make a campagne or mission like
Deathmatch mode: you all know what deathmatch and team deathmatch is..
BagTag: who ever holds the bag for the longest wins
Capture the bag: go to the enemy base and collect the bag and return to your bag, before they capture your bag, it is basically capture the flag.
Elimation: People start with lives and the last surviving person wins.
Vampire: same thing as Elimation except if you don't kill anyone too long, you will run out of blood and die.
Flame tag: this is for Timesplitters 2, it basically like tag except whoever is it is on fire.
Virus: One of the computers starts off as the virus (this is chosen randomly). You can tell they are the virus because they are engulfed in a green flame. Their job is to pass the virus to other players (once somebody been infected, they will help the main virus infect other players). The last person in the game who hasn't been infected is the winner.
Gladiator: only gladiator get points for killing people, inorder to become the gladiator you must kill the current gladiator.
Zones: quickly go to a zone and guard it from the enemy, who ever get the most zones get the scores till time runs out.
Monkey Assistant: if your losing, Monkeys will help! if your winning monkeys will take you dooown!
Assault: There are two teams, attackers and defenders, they both start in different bases, usually opposite side of the map. They are usually given a set of objectives to complete, normally three, the attackers job to complete these objectives and the defenders job is to make sure the attackers don't complete the objectives within the time limit.